Blog Archives

Anime Summer Season 2014: Final Thoughts

Most shows I started watching for the summer season have now wrapped up, being only 12-13 episodes. A few seem to be running on a 24-ep schedule, but most of them are finished.

So I figured I’d go through all of the ones I mentioned in my early impressions, and also a couple more I picked up since. I’ll go alphabetically this time.

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Anime Summer Season 2014 Overview – At Least The Ones I Watch

It’s been a while since we’ve talked about anything not games on this blog, even though it was originally meant to discuss several things.

It’s also been a while since I’ve paid any real attention to a new season of anime, but I’ve ended up watching several shows from this season for whatever reason. So I figured I’d talk a little bit about them, and how I feel after four episodes.

I will go in the order I started watching them, as best I can remember. Some spoilers are likely to occur.

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